Package: Collections Unordered

Class: Bag


Environment: container

A Bag is an unordered collection which can hold any type of item. It can have multiple copies of the same item (unlike sets).

It has the following common used methods:

  • size return the size of the list.

  • first return the first element of the list.

  • rest return the rest of the list.

  • at: get the element at the given index.

  • do: iterate over the elements of the list.

For example:

aBag := {1.'a string'} asBag.
aBag size.  "2"

aBag do: [ :each | Console print: each, '. '].

Class Method

Category: instance creation

  • new - Answer a new instance of the receiver.

    bg := Bag new.
    bg add: 'a'. "bg contains 'a'"
  • new: - Answer a new instance of the receiver, with space for size distinct items.

    bg := Bag new: 5. "bg is 5 long, all empty values"

Instance Method

Category: accessing

  • add: - newObject Add an occurrence of newObject to the receiver. Answer newObject. Fail if newObject is nil.

    For example:

    bg := Bag new.
    bg add: 1. "bg now contains { 1 }"
  • includes: - Answer whether we include anObject.

    For example:

    bg := { 'a'. 'a'. 'b' } asBag.
    (bg includes: 'a') = true.
    (bg includes: 'c') = false.
  • size - Answer the total number of objects found in the receiver anObject.

Category: comparing

  • = - Answer whether the receiver and aBag contain the same objects.

    For example:

    bg1 := { 2. 3. 2. 1 } asBag.
    bg2 := { 3. 2. 1. 2 } asBag.
    "This is true:"
    bg1 = bg2.

Category: converting

  • asSet - Answer as an array with the set as the distinct elements within the receiver.

    For example:

    bg := { 2. 2 } asBag.
    bv := bg asSet. "bv = { 2 }"

Category: enumerating

  • allSatisfy: - Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns false. Answer true if none does, false otherwise

    For example:

    (({ 1. 2 } asBag) allSatisfy: [ :each | each even ]) = false.
    (({ 2. 4 } asBag) allSatisfy: [ :each | each even ]) = true.
    (({ 2. 4 } asBag) allSatisfy: [ :each | each < 5 ]) = true.
    (({ } asBag) allSatisfy: [false]) = true.
  • anySatisfy: - Evaluate a block with each of the receiver's elements as the argument. Answer true if any block answers true; otherwise, answer false.

    For example:

    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) anySatisfy: #even. "Return true."
    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) anySatisfy:  [ :x | x = 4 ]. "Return false."
  • count: - Count the elements of the receiver for which aBlock returns true, and return their number.

    For example:

    (({1. 2. 3. 4} asBag) count: [:each | each even]) = 2.
    (({1. 2. 3. 4} asBag) count: #even) = 2.
  • detect: - Search the receiver for an element for which aBlock returns true. If some does, answer it. If none does, fail.

    For example:

    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) detect: #even. "Return 2."
    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) detect: [ :x | x = 1 ]. "Return 1."
  • do: - aBlock Evaluate the block for all members in the collection.

    For example:

    sc := 'x:'.
    bv := { 'a'. 'a'. 'v' }.
    bv do: [ :each | sc := sc + each]. "sc = 'x:aav'"
  • inject:into: - First, pass to binaryBlock thisValue and the first element of the receiver; for each subsequent element, pass the result of the previous evaluation and an element. Answer the result of the last invocation.

    For example:

    lc := { '1'. '2'. '3'. } asBag.
    ls := lc inject: 's' into: [ :vin :nxt | nxt + '/' + vin + '+'].
    ls = '3/2/1/s+++'.
  • reject: - Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, don’t answer true.

    For example:

    lc := { 3. 2. 3. } asBag.
    lv := lc reject: [ :val | val = 3 ].
    lv = ({ 2 } asBag).
  • select: - Answer a new instance of a Collection containing all the elements in the receiver which, when passed to aBlock, answer true.

    For example:

    lc := { 3. 2. 1. } asBag.
    lv := lc select: [ :val | val = 3 ].
    lv assert: ({ 3 } asBag).

Category: removing

  • remove:ifAbsent: - Remove oldObject from the collection and return it. If can’t be found, answer instead the result of evaluating exceptionBlock

Category: testing

  • includesAllOf: - Answer whether we include all of the objects in aCollection.

    For example:

    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) includesAllOf: ({ 3. 1 } asBag) "Return true."
    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) includesAllOf: { 4. 1 } "Return false."
  • includesAnyOf: - Answer whether we include any of the objects in aCollection.

    For example:

    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) includesAnyOf: ({ 3. 4 } asList). "Return true."
    ({ 1. 2. 3 } asBag) includesAnyOf: { 4. 5 } "Return false."
  • isEmpty - Answer whether we are (still) empty.

    For example:

    lt := { 'a'. 'c' } asBag.
    lv := lt isEmpty. "lv = false"
    lt := { } asBag.
    lv := lt isEmpty. "lv = true"
  • isSequenceable - Answer whether the receiver can be accessed by a numeric index with #at:/#at:put:.

  • notEmpty - Answer whether we include at least one object.

    For example:

    lt := { 'a'. 'c' } asBag.
    lv := lt notEmpty "lv = true
    lt := { } asBag.
    lv := lt notEmpty "lv = false"
  • occurrencesOf: - Answer how many occurrences of anObject we include.

    For example:

    al := { 'x'. 'y'. 'z'. 'y' } asBag.
    num := al occurrencesOf: 'y'. "num = 2"
    num := al occurrencesOf: 'z'. "num = 1"

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