
In Mind Expression, Scopes work as independent AI agents. A Scope is a minimum service module in which configurations of endpoint APIs and sets of Subjects are defined. You can create one or more Scopes, and you will see a list of managed Scopes and get their details from the list. When creating a Scope, the Scope Engine URL (API URL) and authentication key are auto-generated, which are inherent to the Scope.

Create and manage Scopes

Create Scopes

To create a Scope, set up the Scope mode (development or production), Scope name, and time zone. By default, the development mode is selected.

If the Template toggle is on, you can view a list of Scope Templates where you can select a sample scope that contains a pre-configured conversation flow.

If you wish to create a scope from scratch, you may simply turn this toggle off.

Edit Scopes

You can edit the Scope mode, Scope name, and time zone.

Delete Scopes

To delete a Scope, open the more actions menu and click Delete. Be advised that all associated data will be permanently deleted and the action cannot be undone. To learn more about how to create and manage Scopes, see Quickstarts: Create Scope.

Back up, import, and restore Scopes

Back up Scopes

Scope backup is useful to migrate data between Scopes, and it helps you manage Scopes better. Scope backup includes Subject, Messages, Escalation, and Webhook data. Currently, we are not supporting delta backup and restore.

Import Scopes

To import a Scope backup, set up the Scope mode (development or production), backup, Scope name, and time zone.

Restore Scopes

You can restore Scope with the latest Scope data backup on the Scope Restore page. To learn more about how to back up and restore Scopes, see How-to Guides: Back up, import and restore Scopes.

Scopes Settings

This is a feature where you can modify your Scope, whether to enable the Closing Messages or change the session timeout.

Closing Messages

To know more about the Closing Messages, see Customize messages

Session Timeout

When the user is not active anymore in the chat, the conversation will be terminated and once the user decided to reply again at a later time, the session will be starting again.

Accessing the Scope Settings

For you to access the Scope Settings, go to your Scope first, and inside, you will be able to see the "Gear Icon" as shown on the screen.

Scope Settings Functions

Upon entering the Scope settings, you have the option to modify the Closing and Session Timeout.


On the Closing tab, you can select which events the closing message will be displayed: Restart or Ending.


On the Session tab, you can set Context Hopping Confirmation as well as the Session Timeout.

If Confirmation is toggled on, this means the AI will ask for confirmation to continue the previous subject for every Context Hop.

The session timeout minutes will determine the time a user can remain idle before the session is terminated.

Last updated